Monday, March 27, 2017

Democrats will filibuster Gorsuch nomination

Date: (3-27-2017)
Unit of Study: Congress

Democrats will filibuster Gorsuch nomination

President Donald J. Trump recently nominated Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court. Currently Gorsuch sits on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit. Many Democrats are opposed to this nominee because he is a Republican and will only strengthen the power for Republicans. On March 23rd, 2017, Senate hearings were held on account for Neil Gorsuch and ended up resulting in a filibuster from the Democrat leaders. Under the rules of the Senate, it requires 60 votes to confirm a nominee and so far 49 Democrats have voted against him. Even though a filibuster delays a debate/hearing, there is the possibility for defeat of the filibuster and Senators can vote to proceed with the confirmationSenior Republicans have vowed that Gorsuch will be confirmed no matter what — a threat to Democrats that they might use the nuclear option to change the way senators confirm Supreme Court justices.
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A filibuster is used during any debate or hearing in order to delay the vote. Democrats are not happy with Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch because he shares similar views to Scalia and is also very young. Not many people in the Senate are as young as his is (49) so that means he has a long time to stay in office. Since Donald Trump won as a Republican and has many Republicans supporting him inside Congress, I do not think that this filibuster will ultimately prevent Neil Gorsuch from becoming a Supreme Court Justice considering the Senate is mainly run by Republicans. There is a strong possibility for a cloture being made but I do not see how this will fail when there is a party era going on for the Republicans in both the executive and legislative branches. I believe that this has created tensions between parties which is not necessary because more than likely, Neil Gorsuch will become the next Supreme Court Justice.  

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